Messy Church is an all-age, family-friendly, activity-based style of worship. It provides a way of being church for families involving fun. Messy Church is found across the world. Its values are about being Christ-centred, is for all ages and is based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
If you like making things, listening to stories, games, getting messy and not having to clear up , then you will love St. Brandon’s Messy Church!
St Brandon’s Messy Church started in January 2012 and is popular with regular church goers and church newcomers. We offer an opportunity to learn about God and His love for us in a relaxed and friendly setting. Each month, we find out together something new about God. At worship time we hear from our very own captivating story teller and sing songs. We all enjoy a home cooked meal together and hear our Messy News before we take all the things we have made and learnt home.
St. Brandon’s Messy Church meets monthly on Sundays (apart from July and August) between 3 and 5pm at St Brandon’s. Please contact our Messy Church leader Nick Brooker.
St Brandon’s page on Official Messy Church Website
All of us at Messy Church love to see new faces. We guarantee you a warm and friendly welcome and tons of fun. Come and try it!
“Messy Church is a fast growing ministry that continues to engage and build relationships with thousands of people outside the usual church context. Messy Church is resourced, supported and enabled by BRF (Bible Reading Fellowship) as one of its core ministries.”