St Brandon’s, Brancepeth is a Registered Charity, no. 1204196.

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Key Contacts

Name (and email link)PositionPhoneContact about
Priest-in-chargeBaptisms, weddings, funerals, and interment of ashes
Alison HobbsAssociate Minister0191 3789670
Geoff MooreLay Reader and Safeguarding Officer0191 3735674Safeguarding concerns
Mike HigtonChurch Warden07779 938611All other enquiries
Carol BeebyChurch Warden0191 3847431All other enquiries
Janette FoxeEvents CoordinatorChurch hire, events, visits
Sue MorganNewsletter editorNewsletter
Colin WatermanPCC Secretary
Vickie JacksonTreasurerFinance
Peter StoreyChurch and churchyard history archive, ancestry